Complete service up to the last mile. An all-in-one solution for operators or non-telco companies managing connectivity in their end customers’ homes.
Unlimited Connection:
up to the Last Mile
Deliver the best experience to your customer with no hassle.
With the convergent fibre and mobile offer, plus equipment and installation, we fully manage the provision, installation, and maintenance of fiber, optimizing your costs and simplifying your operations.
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Provision, install, and maintain your customer through the same platform.
Full management
Every detail is covered; you only need to focus on selling and customer retention.
Zero technical overload
Physical installations carried out by Onivia certified providers with approved equipment and materials.
Resource optimization
Multiply your reach with minimal cost.
Customer control
White-label service functionalities while maintaining customer ownership.
Included Services
For the Operator
- Convergent rates | Standalone fibre| Additional mobile lines
- Customization options for mobile service with SIM delivery to the customer
- Purchase and financing of equipment by Onivia
- Last-mile installation service
For the Customers
- Convergent offer:
fibre + mobile - WiFi 6 equipment:
1 model of ONT + router - Maintenance included