We are growth enablers, we are Onivia
We are a neutral and independent operator
We wholesale bitstream services in Spain's major cities and their metropolitan areas, and in a large number of smaller municipalities in rural areas throughout the country.
Our mission is to be a pure wholesale operator, specialising in the fibre network. We invest in new high-speed fibre access networks for the benefit of all service providers.
We make progress possible in this new era
Contact usWe exist for people
We are a team of experts and fiber specialists who value a human-centered focus, openness and constant improvement.
We facilitate the growth of our customers through a solid and competitive FTTH infrastructure provided by an integrated and expert team of people who adapt to the customer and their needs.
To be growth enablers: we provide our clients with the tools, the team and the attitude necessary to transform their potential into growth.
Meet our investors
Onivia is a company based in Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid) and owned by major infrastructure asset managers Macquarie Capital, Arjun Infrastructure Partners and Aberdeen Standard Investments.