Quality Policy


It declares that Quality is a permanent objective in all its products and services carried out in the organization.

To obtain the best results, the Management of the Company has opted for the implementation and maintenance of a Quality Management System, based on the international standard UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015, through the responsibility and participation of all members of the Society and those who work on its behalf.

In the development of its services, the Company promotes the following principles:

  1. Fulfilment of the requirements and expectations of our customers, consolidating their trust in the organization. To this end, the company makes every effort to understand the needs, both implicit and explicit, both current and future, of its customers in order to ensure that its services and products are satisfactory to them. The Company focuses on customer service throughout the entire business relationship, from the complete definition of their needs, taking care of communication, through personal contacts, until the end of the service, being firmly committed to them and establishing as a strategic priority the continuous increase of their satisfaction.
  2. Compliance with applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which the Company subscribes related to Quality, striving to comply with them adequately. To this end, it periodically reviews the legal requirements that affect it in all aspects, as well as the most advanced trends in the market.
  3. The adequate training of the company’s personnel is one of the pillars on which the performance of its activities with the required quality levels is based. At the same time, the employees are recognized for their responsibility in the quality of the work performed, making them participants in the respect of our quality policy in all their activities.
  4. The control over suppliers, selecting them under quality criteria, performing periodic evaluations to ensure the highest quality in the services provided and products supplied. Based on this evaluation and as long as there are no non-conformities in the services and/or products supplied by these suppliers, they will be maintained as approved suppliers.
  5. Involving our employees and stakeholders in the improvement of the Quality Management System, through communication and consultation. For the effective implementation of the principles set out in this quality policy, the support of both the management team and all parties involved in the provision of the service is absolutely necessary.
  6. The spirit of continuous improvement of our processes and working conditions based on analysis, which allows us to increase the quality of the services offered and customer satisfaction by exceeding their expectations. All the staff is committed to the continuous improvement of our Quality Management System implemented and shows it by striving to meet the objectives established and reviewed within the framework of this policy.
  7. ESG and sustainability engagement: Achieve regulatory compliance by assessing regulations and their impact on Onivia and improve ESG capacity by increasing internal understanding of ESG requirements and necessary capabilities.


This Quality Policy:

  • It is part of the Company’s strategy, whose quality objectives are to occupy a leading position in its sector and to achieve customer and stakeholder satisfaction by offering them value that exceeds their expectations.
  • It constitutes the reference framework for establishing and reviewing the Company’s Quality objectives and goals.
  • It is available to all interested parties who claim to know it, both externally, through the website www.onivia.net, and internally, being communicated to all persons working for the organization or on its behalf, with the purpose of making them aware of the principles expressed, in particular, their individual obligations in terms of quality and compliance with applicable legal requirements. Consequently, it is known to every member of the Company, who accepts the responsibility to comply with it and to enforce it on all the personnel under their charge.
  • It is reviewed periodically to ensure that at all times it is appropriate to the purpose and context of the Company and its Quality Management System, inspiring the strategic direction of the company, with the full commitment and support of the Company’s management.


In Madrid the 17th July of 2024



Quality Management System

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