
We are Onivia

All the news and relevant information related to our company and who we are.

Seguimos creciendo contigo

En Onivia seguimos creciendo. Queremos compartir contigo una noticia emocionante que marca un nuevo hito en nuestra capacidad para servirte...

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Conéctate a la velocidad de la luz

En 2023 decidimos aprovechar la renovación de nuestro sitio web y nuestros objetivos de comunicación para refrescar nuestra identidad visual....

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Meet our investors – Arjun Infrastructure Partners

Arjun Infrastructure Partners is an independent asset management company dedicated to executing and managing mid-market infrastructure investments. Founded in 2015,...

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Our first quarter

This 2022 we have started the year with a lot of energy. Tour of some communities in the territory, reunions...

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The best of our 2021

February – First customers In February we welcomed our first customers. We reached the first partnership agreements in which we...

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