Onivia welcome new partners on board

Onivia is pleased to welcome Aire networks and Avanza Fibra as new partners to help us reach our goals and make use of Onivia’s full-fibre infrastructure to deliver the bandwidth and performance that residential and business need.
Aire Networks, the Wholesale Telecommunications Operator, has reached an agreement with Onivia to access its FTTH footprint and offer it to its clients. Through Onivia footprint, they will reach more than one million homes reinforcing its bitstream service (BITA) which it plans to cover the entire national territory throughout 2021.
Avanza Fibra, the Fiber Optic internet and mobile telephony operator in the provinces of Murcia, Alicante, Valencia, Almería and Albacete, has relied on the modern Onivia FTTH network to continue with its immediate national expansion. Keeping the same line of collaboration, Avanza will be one of Onivia’s reference partners for different opportunities in other areas in addition to the commercialization of services.
Thanks to this agreement, operators, integrators and resellers have at their disposal a footprint of one million Onivia BUs located in five metropolitan areas: Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Malaga and Seville, near 3,000 kilometres of Fiber-To-The-Home on bitstream access with symmetrical bandwidth speeds up to 1.24 Gbps.
Onivia provides to its customers commercial support in their business plan with ready-made sales and marketing materials.